Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Election Connection.

Wow! So, we have survived another election -- lots of dodging people's politically charged posts and trying to bite your tongue when someone says something horrific. Another 4 years for Mr. Obama and he has lots of work to do. The American public showed their uncertainty with the outcomes of those state elections last night. With a race that close -- anyone has to be grateful for the seat. With all of the buzz around the election and this being the first time my students have been at an age where they can really take on the task of understanding what it means -- we had some fun.
In 5th grade we:
  •    learned about the voting process
  • took a look into what it means to be a part of a democracy
  • explored the process of the electoral college
  • learned more about our their names. :) 
  • participated in our very own voting process -- with booths and all
    • Happy to report that Obama won out in 5th grade ---but the overall school consensus gave us a tie! 
Today, after the results were in -- my journal topic this morning was : "Your thoughts on the election results."  This got a lot of them really fired up -- echoing their parents thoughts and parroting these comments in their journals. One of my students was so eloquent and respectful in her description that she was happy with the results because, "Obama kept his promises last time so I think he was a good president..." but also shared that she was afraid he would keep his promises again and make her go to school all the time. Gotta love kids.

One of my students hit a button with me when he got angry and said, "I'm mad that Obama won because he is going to keep letting all of the lazy people take my money and make me pay taxes to let them be lazy." I pushed back on that one -- realizing he was just echoing the thoughts of his parents -- but I asked him,
"Do you have a full time job?" 
He replied, "Well, no..but my dad does."
"So these taxes that help all of these 'lazy people' aren't coming out of a paycheck you have..."
"Well, no...but it's basically the same because my dad does...and I get his money."
"But, sir, you don't have a job and therefore this doesn't directly affect you -- so what you're saying is -- you're dad is upset -- so you are?"
We had such lively discussions about what they liked and disliked.

During our Social Studies block - I had them watch most of Obama's acceptance speech. We talked about how both candidates give a speech to their supporters after the results are announced. I said, "Whether you like him or not -- Obama is an amazing public speaker -- watch and listen to this for the way he presents his opinions and what he's saying to the public"

Afterwards I had them tell me something that they liked that he did in his speech. Even those that can't find a nice thing to say about him -- were able to point out something he did well in his speech. :)

What a great opportunity for teaching and learning! I love when life gives you such amazing tools for making learning so fun!

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