Thursday, November 21, 2013

Artful Thinking

This past Friday, we decided to expand our minds in one of my favorite ways : Artful Thinking.

The Artful Thinking program was developed in collaboration with the Traverse City, Michigan Area Public Schools. The purpose of this program is to focus on students appreciating art rather than just creating it. I like to use artful thinking to help students create connections between art pieces and the topics we study in class.

We have just begun a new novel study of Scott O'Dell's Sing Down the Moon, so I made this choice for Friday's art piece: 

The students were given some time to view the painting -- just to 'take it all in.' We paired our viewing with a See, Think, Wonder. The students were given 3 color coded post-its, one for their Sees, one for their Thinks and one for their very important Wonders.


We used our classroom Target Tabs to track our seeing, thinking and wondering and then they chose one to share with the class on our See Think Wonder chart.

I'm always amazed and the observations they come up with and the powerful impact art can have on young people. It's also a phenomenal platform for visualizing our novel's plot line.

Here are some of their thoughts:

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