Wednesday, October 2, 2013

So long September

It's always hard to say goodbye to September -- the beginnings are over, my birthday is over and the very last reminders of summer are torn from my grasp.

However, the mourning doesn't last long when I think of all of my favorite FALL things.
  • Boots
  • Pumpkin things!
  • Beautiful Colors
  • Sweaters
  • Scarves
Ah the wondrous excitement that fall brings to my wardrobe and palate.
As we settle into our routines (finally) and begin to dive deeper into the abyss of learning, I become even more excited about all of the things coming our way this year.

One of my most favorite things is turning my fifth grade friends into detectives and teaching them the skill of the inference.
This year we introduced: PIGEON IMPOSSIBLE -- and it is SO worth the time and rambunctious laughter that will surely disrupt neighboring classes.

Check it out ---

I wish you great days!

Miss Brown

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